My favorite Dad!

by Teri Tripp-Lanciault

I had to give a book report in 7th grade. I chose To Kill a Mockingbird but bombed because I didn’t do much more than skim the book. I was not much of a reader at the time. Then, I saw the movie. Atticus, Scout, Jem, Bo…they all came to life in my head, and guess what?? I went back and read the book. Over and over again. And every time….Atticus was portrayed by Gregory Peck.
TKAM is my all-time favorite movie and film (and you will see that in my FB bio)! Mr. Peck’s portrayal of Atticus Finch made me wish he was MY father…as mine was an absent parent. Such a fine actor…and sooo good looking!
Memories of him are always sweet!