I currently live in Southeastern France. In 1970, when I was 17, I lived in Santa Monica and thanks to a family friend, I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Peck. He invited me to spend the day with him at Universal Studios on one of his film sets. It was a Western film and from the date, I believe it was Shoot Out. The day was so memorable that I’ve never forgotten it. We spoke between takes, and he introduced me to the other actors and actresses. I was able to see all the workings of a studio film shoot, including the special effects of the time. He was truly a great actor, unpretentious and very approachable. My memory of him is magnificent. After that day, he send me a signed photo, which I’m attaching. It has faded a bit with time, but I have kept it with me ever since, which is now 48 years. Sincerely, Michel