Forever a Gentleman

by Virjette A. LaCour

I first saw and was terrified by “Moby Dick” and Captain Ahab.  The movie and the acting stayed in my memory for a long time.  Until I finally saw a re-run of “Roman Holiday” and I was instantly in love with Mr. Gregory Peck.  I could have only been 10 yrs old then, and I’m a grandmother now.  When I got married in 1985 in Richmond, Virginia, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Peck in the lobby of the hotel we were staying at.  I smiled and waved to him in recognition and he waved back and smiled.  That one encounter made my day and confirmed that Gregory Peck WAS the gentleman I saw and felt in all of his movies.  He inspired me to study acting and maybe one day you guys will see me up there on the big screen.  Thank you, Mr. Peck.