
by Sasha

My brother Marc and his wife Erin were sharing a house with Gregory’s daughter Cecilia in Bel Air in the late 90s. I was out there recording a song written by my then boyfriend Hal Cazalet. Hal and I came back to their bohemian, hilltop house, elated over how the recording session had gone. Sitting in the dining room were Gregory and Veronique Peck. They were talking about a show they had just seen in NY called “Bring in ‘da noise, Bring in ‘da funk” starring the virtuosic tap dancer Savion Glover.

Mr. Peck was utterly enthralled by his performance, and said that he only knew of a handful of people with Savion’s talent. He spoke with reverence for this young man’s gift. He then asked to hear the recording we had just made. We walked around the house trying to find some form of equipment that would play the out-dated cassette. None of the stereos were functioning. Mr. Peck suggested that we go outside and sit in his car and listen to it there. He and Veronique sat in front, Hal and I climbed in back, nervously pinching each other as the cassette went into the tape player. We watched in awe as Mr. Peck closed his eyes and took in the strains of “Anne Marie.” When it was over, he turned back to us with his beautiful, beaming smile and said, “Brava.”

One of the greatest artists of all times-appreciating and supporting other artists.